Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Movies, movies, movies!!!

So, I just watched that movie ‘Despicable Me’ last night. I have to say that wuz a pretty intense movie…….ok ok ok, I admit, I cried…..ok ok ok, I bawled, made a whole river of tears, but that’s beside the point, the movies was VERY sad ok!!!!! I also recently watched the new version of ‘The Karate Kid’ it wuz pretty good. I cried in that one too. But that’s not the point. The older version is a bit different, in the new one Jaden Smith broke his leg…….intense, I agree. “In life you may fall down, but you can choose to get back up.” Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith- Karate Kid (quote from movie). I also watched Toy Story 3. That movie wuz sad, and yes I cried. “There’s a snake in my boot!!!!” Woody- Toy Story.

1 comment:

  1. I watched the movie Toy Story 3 and Karate Kid too. I agree, they're both sad. I cried a bit too. Have you watched the movie Eclipse yet? I really want to hear your review on that movie.
