Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Did you know that statistics say that most statistics are completely useless? I mean, i guess u could say that's true....poor statistics. Ahhhhh well.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree. Statistics determine how much premium you've got to pay for insurance on cars, life, homes, health. Statistics determine death (mortality) rates, health rates, population densities. Statistics help determine which fad will be fashionable, which food will be a favorite, which clothes will be the "in" thing for school, etc. Statistics help people pick which movies to watch, which fastfood and restaurant stores to go to, what TV shows are better, which church is bigger and more famous or which one will experience declines or disappear altogether. The census uses statistics to predict how fast and how many people will be living in the United States (or the rest of the world) by a certain year; that's why they took the census this year. There are so many uses for statistics that you'll be surprised. One thing you should know, though, you won't get a degree in college if you don't submit a major thesis paper. And thesis papers rely heavily on data you collect for you paper, data usefully collected, extrapolated, and interpreted by, you guessed it, statistics!
